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Showing posts from October, 2018

Week 7 = Catch Up Week

Recently, several apps were discussed that allowed individuals to utilize the tool of virtual reality. This is just one additional aspect to the amazing world of technology as we know it today. One app, in particular, is called Space Needle .This app essentially uses the actual Space Needle landmark, and allows users to view the perspective that actually visiting the Space Needle offers via virtual reality. This feature is ideal for those who have a fear of heights (AKA me). Through this virtual reality technology, you don't even have to leave your bed to have the experience. Another app that utilizes virtual reality is Google Cardboard . This app allows users to use the lenses to view apps that are compatible with Google Cardboard in a virtual reality sense. The main idea behind this is that it is low cost and very simple to use, and quite literally uses a piece of cardboard as the lenses.  Another app that was mentioned is Elements 4D  . This app, available to both A

Digital Baggage: It Follows

If any of you are familiar with the horror movie It Follows  (I personally have never seen this movie), I'm sure the technological version would entail your digital baggage. Digital baggage, in more professional terms your digital profile, is something that extends past just the technological world. Even though this is a profile online, its effects resonate with your daily realistic life. To put it short, it literally follows you everywhere you go. It can affect your career, personal life, and the lives of your family and friends. This article  particularly showcases 6 reasons how employers seek the online profiles of their applicants and how it affects their overall application to the job. It offers specific regulations that people should abide by in order to not jeopardize the possibility of being accepted in their new position. The 6 key pieces of advice are: be mindful of inappropriate/provocative posts   lack of professionalism poorly demonstrated communicative sk

So You Want to Network?

It is an undeniable fact that the Internet is a vastly growing sensation. New websites are constantly being created, more content is being produced, and ultimately new businesses are being established and are thriving. The Internet is essentially an interminable world of opportunities with many great websites to take advantage of. One of the main platforms that has been used widely by both professionals and students alike is LinkedIn . Similar to other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it is a platform that allows for networking between companies and people. However, LinkedIn is special in the sense that it enforces this networking through a professional manner (again, making it ideal for businesses to use). The layout of this site is very similar to Facebook in that you create a profile with your statistics inputted. You then have the option to incorporate your connections from your email onto the site or you can choose to find your connections based on your statistics.